Problem B
The longest common prefix of two words is the longest word
that both words start with. For example, the longest common
prefix of the words “identity” and “idealistic” is the word
“ide”. A database contains
The algorithm to search for a query word
Analysing the algorithm shows that the number of steps
needed to find a word
Write a program that calculates the number of steps the
algorithm uses to find each of the
The first line contains an integer
All words in the input will be strings of less than
Output one integer per line for each query word, the number of steps the algorithm uses when searching for the word.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
5 hobotnica robot hobi hobit robi 4 robi hobi hobit rakija |
12 10 16 7 |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
8 majmunica majmun majka malina malinska malo maleni malesnica 3 krampus malnar majmun |
8 29 14 |